Imprint / Terms

  Company: House Schlossalmblick, Anneliese Wallner
  Adress: Heißingfelding 117, 5630 Bad Hofgastein - Austria
  Legal domicile: Salzburger Landesgericht
  Authority acc. ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft St. Johann im Pongau
  Phone: +43 6432 7303 E-Mail:
  Fax:     +43 6432 7303
  Conditions & therms:  
  In addition to our "general terms and conditions", we work according to the terms and conditions written in the Austrian Hotel conditions (österreichischen Hotelvertragsbedingungen) which you can read here.

Family Wallner
Gasteinertal Tourismus GmbH

  Copyright / Disclaimer:  
  With respect to the technical nature of the Internet, no liability can be accepted for the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of the information made available on the Internet. Similarly, no liability is accepted for the availability or operability of the homepage in question and its content. All liability, in so far as it is legally permissible, for direct, proximate or other damages, regardless of cause, resulting from the use or non-availability of data and information on this homepage, is expressly excluded. The content of this homepage is protected under copyright law. Information is intended purely for personal use. Any further use, especially storage in databases, reproduction and commercial use in any form, as well as transfer to third parties -–either in part or in edited form – is prohibited except with the consent of the organisation in question.

Haus Schlossalmblick Adresse